Top-level strategy to bottom line
In today’s competitive markets, businesses require top-quality tax advice. Our team of specialists will assist you in all spheres of tax to ensure your success.
We offer efficient, practical and customised solutions to all your questions regarding direct and indirect taxes including:
- Income and Corporate Tax
- International Tax
- Transfer Pricing
- VAT and Indirect Tax
- Expatriate Tax
- Private Clients
Our related tax offerings:
- Compliance
- Advisory
- Due Diligence
- Investigations
- Reporting and Filing
- Health Check
“Our team of knowledgeable professionals are committed to providing top-notch solutions to your tax needs.”
Tax advisory
Our tax professionals assist tax clients by providing coherent tax solutions to the challenges of planning, risk management and due diligence, local and cross-border tax structuring and health checks. Our advisory services encompass domestic tax, international tax and tax implications of specific transactions.
With increased tax authority oversight and ongoing regulatory changes, businesses and individuals alike require top-notch assistance to manage tax risks, opportunities and compliance issues. Our tax experts offer optimal tax compliance solutions maximising the value of compliance data relating to corporate tax, income tax, indirect tax and personal tax.
Tax investigations and enquiries can be daunting and costly. Our experts can deliver technical assistance and solutions including discussion with tax officers, negotiations and advice on the best possible outcome throughout the investigation.
Reporting and filing
With increased focus on compliance, companies find themselves having to rapidly and securely merge and convey sensitive information to tax authorities. Our team of tax professionals can help in alleviating the different reporting and filing obligations efficiently.
Income and corporate tax
Our tax specialists can help individuals or companies manage their tax charge requirements effectively. We can advise on the clients’ tax compliance obligations and consequences simultaneously keeping the tax and economic environment of the country in mind and protecting the wealth of the client. Our range of services include:
VAT and indirect tax
Our team of professionals can provide valuable guidance and/ or assistance to face the compliance requirement regarding VAT efficiently.
International tax
Our tax experts can bring valued cost-efficient assistance to cross border tax challenges which can range from repatriation of profits to double taxation treaties implications. We provide meaningful advice for your worldwide tax affairs and risk-minimizing course of action in the international tax arena.
Expatriate tax
Tax compliance requirements differ considerably across jurisdictions and require a full spectrum of technical advice to remain proactive. Our tax professionals can assist in relieving expatriate employees from the burden of foreign tax filing and provide practical advice relating to their Mauritian tax filing obligations.
Transfer pricing / International compliance
Transfer pricing is at the core of OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Plan. Ongoing changes in the transfer pricing landscape and their implications are one of the main tax concerns for international trading groups. Varying tax regulations across jurisdictions attract tax authority focus on intra-group prices and require global solutions to adhere to transfer pricing regulations. Our team of tax specialists can help develop, manage and implement transfer pricing policies and respond to the challenges posed by tax authorities effectively. Mauritius does not have transfer pricing guidelines, but rather follows OECD rules.
Country by country reporting (CbCR)
In view of the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement on the Exchange of Country-by-Country Reports (“CbC MCAA”) that has been signed by Mauritius in January 2017, the income tax (Country-by-Country Reporting) Regulations 2018 (“Regulations”) have been proclaimed on 22 February 2018.
A CbC report should be filed in Mauritius when:
- The MNE group’s ultimate parent entity (“UPE”) is a tax resident in Mauritius; or
- The MNE group nominates an entity which is tax resident in Mauritius as the Surrogate Parent Entity (“SPE”).
The SPE is an entity of the MNE group that has been appointed by the MNE group as the sole substitute for UPE to file CbC report.
We can assist you to determine whether your business is of relevance to CbCR.
Private clients
Personal tax filing can be daunting for individuals, whether they operate in a single location or multi-jurisdictionally. Ongoing tax authority focus on high net worth individuals and interacting cross-border tax regulations require a full spectrum of guidance to minimise the risks of paying tax on the same income twice. Our tax experts can assist by protecting wealth, resolving the adherence complexities of the different jurisdictions and reducing the risk of double taxation. Our services include:
- Preparing tax returns
- Managing international taxes
- Advice on means of wealth preservation, including use of trusts, family office or foundations